Sunday, December 4, 2022

Bath Ball Gift Jar

Need something class and special at the last minute.  Try this bath ball mix in a decorative jar. I have shared bath ball recipes in the past, but this recipe is minty and floral, curative, and makes a wonderful gift. Place a collection of bath balls, tied up in seasonal fabric in a quart canning jar, and present them to a teacher, pet sitter, or another person you want to reward with a little me time.

Bath Ball Blend

1 cup mint, dried
1 cup rosemary, dried
1 cup lavender, dried
1 cup rose petals, dried
1 cup comfrey leaves, dried and crumbled
1 cup lemon balm
4-inch squares of fabric

Combine dried herbs. Scoop 1 heaping teaspoon of mixture into the center of the fabric and tie the ends up with ribbon. Place balls in a glass and tie on instructions

To use: Use one ball per relaxing bath. You can tie the ball under the tap and let the water run through it, or steep the ball in 1 cup of boiling water for 15 minutes and add the liquid to the bathwater.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Holiday Bath Salts - Bath Blend of the Month

We do not make many bath items at Backyard Patch Herbs anymore.  Twenty-five years ago, when I first started I made Dill Dip Mix, Italian Dressing Mix, 6 herbal teas and a Scented Bath Salt recipe.  As I learned more about herbs and experimented with my herbal harvests I crafted an explosion of items for cooking, tea and bath, numbering more than 250 products.

The variety of things you can create for the bath are massive.  The number of recipes I was maintaining and creating became a monster that I could not even display at a show because there was not enough room.  After serious consideration, I decided that those recipes would be retired from my catalog and I would instead share them here monthly instead.  If you have a favorite bath items you need me to make, you can always message me or speak to me at a show and I can make them special, but you will no longer find them on my websites once the current inventory is sold. We reserve the right to bring a few favorites back for the holidays, however.

This month's bath recipes of the month are two that I developed when my General Scented Bath Salts became "boring" to make.  Both of these are great for helping skin and soothing nerves during the winter season.

herbed bath salts in a snowflake decorated tin

Restorative Bath Salts 

The combination of essential oils in the blend is designed to relax and restore, not only the skin and muscles, but the mind as well.  When days get shorter and stresses increase sometime the body just needs a bit of help with rejuvenation, These salts are perfect for that.

  • ½ cup Epsom salts
  • ½ cup sea salt
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 15 drops frankincense oil
  • 15 drops lavender oil
  • 10 drops bergamot oil
  • 10 drops rose geranium oil

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl and add essential oils by the drop.  Stir well to combine and remove the essential oils lumps so the scent is evenly distributed into the base salts.  Once they are combined transfer to a jar with a tight fitting lid.  

TO USE: Add 4 Tablespoons of salts while filling the tub.  You can also use 2 Tablespoons for a foot soak.

Warming Winter Bath Salts 

The combination of essential oils are scents that are good for men and women.  You can make it into a soaking salt or you can add grapeseed oil and make it into a salt scrub to use in both the shower and bath.  Just add enough grapeseed oil to cover the salts and the scoop out by the handful to use as a scrub.

  •  1 cup Epsom
  •   1 cup baking soda
  •   30 drops sandalwood oil
  •   10 drops sweet orange oil
  •   5 drops ginger oil
  •   3 drops patchouli oil

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl and add essential oils by the drop.  Stir well to combine and remove the essential oils lumps so the scent is evenly distributed into the base salts.  Once they are combined transfer to a jar with a tight fitting lid.  

TO USE: Add 4 Tablespoons of salts while filling the tub.  You can also use 2 Tablespoons for a foot soak.

OPTIONAL: Add grapeseed oil to cover the salts once added to the jar and then scoop out one handful at a time in the bath or shower and use to scrub away the rough patches on elbows, knees and feet. Inhale the scents while you work to help soothe stress. Rinse thoroughly, both your and the shower to avoid falls.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Scented Cleansing Bath Salts - Bath Blend of the Month

This combination of salts and essential oils makes a blend that is uplifting in scent and cleansing in nature.  It is a perfect blend to take the edge off your day and give you a pick-me-up as the days get shorter.

Scented Bath Salts – a cleansing formula 

  • 1/3 cup Epsom salts
  • 1/3 cup sea salt
  • 1/3 cup baking soda
  • 15 to 20 drops of essential oils (total)
    •   6 drops lavender essential oil
    •   6 drops grapefruit essential oil
    •   6 drops juniper essential oil

Combine the salts together in a bowl and mix thoroughly, working out any lumps.  Add the essential oils by drop, mixing after each addition to make sure they are thoroughly spread throughout the salts.  Place in a tightly lidded jar for storage.

To Use: add 1 to 2 Tbls to running bath water. Soak and Enjoy!

Monday, September 26, 2022

Perennials Herbs to add to your landscape this Fall

Here are three Perennial herbs that you can plant in your fall garden so you can enjoy the flowers and eating them next year.

Edible flowers are a great addition to the landscape.  They have long-lasting flowers that not only add to the look of the garden space, but also add great flavors colors, and scents to your food dishes.  These three are easy to grow and simple to use. 

Perennials are a great plant to add to the garden at the end of the season so they can establish over winter and emerge for your enjoyment in Spring.

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)

I recommend Common Chives, rather than Garlic chives.  Common Chives flower first thing in the spring when few other things are flowering and the flowers can be used a number of ways.  I love to make herbal vinegar with my chive blossoms.  It is a lovely pink color with the gentlest flavor of onion,  You can also crumble the flowers into a salad or to flavor oil dipping sauces. Later when the flowers are finished you can sprinkle the chopped leaves sprinkled over baked potatoes, salads or pizza.

Add them to your landscape where you want a change in texture as the thin blade-like leaves will fountain out as the plant gets older.

Chives are great in vinegar and salads as an edible flower and you can find several recipes on this blog.

Bee Balm (Monarda didyma)

Bee balm is a wonderful perennial for drawing pollinators into your garden, but did you know it is an edible ornamental? Both the leaves and flowers are edible and have a strong, oregano-like flavor. You might also detect notes of mint, as this perennial is in the mint family. Don’t let the fact that they are in the mint family fool you—these are non-running, clump-forming, petite perennials for the front of the border or herb garden.

Another common name for bee balm is bergamot, as an herbal tea is is a great substitute for the bergamot oil in black tea that flavors Earl Grey.   The leaves or flowers of Monarda didyma can also be used fresh, chopped finely like you would use fresh oregano to flavor pasta dishes, in salad dressings or on your homemade pizza.

To use Bee Balm in recipes, check out these posts.

English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Like bee balm, lavender is another plant we tend to think of mostly as an ornamental flowering perennial rather than an edible herb. You’ll find a number of different species at the garden center, but English lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, is the one often used in recipes and garden. It tastes much like it smells—sweet and floral-like. Its fresh or dried flowers can be used in marinades and cooking blends, sprinkled over ice cream, steeped in lemonade or cocktails, or used to flavor shortbread cookies and other baked goods.

The plant must be well mulched in winter to come back the following year, but the tall flower spikes with purple buds and flowers can bloom from June to September. When not blocking it has a needle-shape leaf in a silver-gray color that adds a bit of scent and texture to your garden landscape.

So try out these perennials and plant them now in the fall and enjoy them next year to their fullest and most tasty.

Check out recipes with this herb here on the blog.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Scented Geraniums - Tea Ideas for the Month of September

This time I want to discuss making tea with Scented geraniums.  So many folks think they are only for show, but I find they are great to make edibles with.

Scented geraniums are of the genus Pelargonium, also called storksbill.  They were imported to England from the Cape of Good Hope in southern Africa in 1632. The rose-scented varieties are grown for making perfume as a substitute for attar of Roses.

Old-Fashioned Rose Scented Geranium

Roper's Lemon Rose Geranium

While many species and cultivars of scented geraniums are used in cooking, the three most common are peppermint, (Pelegorium tomentosum) rose (P. graveolens or Old Fashioned Rose) and lemon.  The lemon coming in a number of different varieties from Mable Grey, to Rober's Lemon Rose, Hillary Lemon and lemon crispum (P. crispum). Although not known for their medicinal properties, scented geraniums can bring great scents to a beverage.

Gray Lady Plymouth - a lemon-scented geranium

Fresh leaves have more flavor than dried ones, so this time of year when I am cutting the Geraniums back before bringing them indoors for winter is a great time to make tea blends with them.  Use 1 tsp dried or 1 Tablespoon fresh crumbled leaves to one cup of hot water.  

To start here is a tea recipe using many different leaves to give a broad flavor.

Mable grey geranium leaves
Geranium Leaf Tea

  • 2 rose geranium leaves
  • 3 peppermint geranium leaves
  • 1 Mable Grey geranium leaf
  • 2 Lemon Rose geranium leaves

Place the crumpled leaves in a pot and cover with 2 cups of hot water and allow to steep 5 to 7 minutes.  Strain into a cup and enjoy this light-colored tea with a few sweet sugar cookies for a wonderful afternoon pick-me-up.

Here is a spicy tea recipe that is great made with rose or lemon rose geranium leaves.

Rose Geranium Black Tea

  • 1 tsp black tea of your choice
  • 1 -3 whole cloves
  • 2 crumbled fresh rose geranium leaves

place all items in a tea ball or coffee filter tied closed and steep in a mug of boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes.  Don't leave too long or the clove overpower everything else.

Another great way to get the flavor of scented geraniums into your tea is to make geranium sugar.

This is created by layering the leaves with granulated sugar in a container for about 2 weeks, then removing the now desiccated (totally dried out) leaves for sugar free of herb bits, which makes a wonderful flavored addition to coffee, tea, and lemonade.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Harvesting the herbs in the time of Virgo

I am a Virgo and this time of year I look up herbs for the Virgo to see what pops up on Google.  This year I found this great website with herbs and magick that is just so interesting.  I recommend taking a look.

The blog post was written by Alexis Cummingfolk and what I found as I searched around the site was a folksy conversation about herbs that was refreshing to read and wonderfully informative.

What I loved about the post I found first, that caused me to want to look around more, was a list of seasonal reflections.  This list of questions caused me to pause and access, which I believe was the whole purpose.  I sometimes do not do that on a daily basis like I should and when I am coaxed to do so, I take it as a universal sign to get into alignment.

Here are the questions that she posted and here is the actual post I am referring too. 

Blog — Worts + Cunning Apothecary | Intersectional Herbalism + Magickal Arts (

I have included my answers to the first question and I suggest you try this exercise for yourself…

What does the land feel like, look like, smell like this season?

What is coming to the surface from within me?

What is receding within me?

What am I feeling grateful for?

What am I grieving for or feeling challenged by?

What am I feeling inspired and where is it calling me to this season?

What am I calling to me?

What am I called to give?


What does the land feel like, look like, smell like this season?


I was out in the herb garden, so the wind was coming from the northeast across the forest preserve into the herb garden bringing with it the smell of water and trees that mingled with the scent of the herbs stimulated by the bright sun and the stiff breeze.  All the herbs are tall, at least those I have not yet cut, because of the recent rain they all had a growth spurt.

When I walk down the rows I brush my fingers over the herbs to release the scents and give my fingers a lovely perfume.  Harvesting is my favorite herb activity.  I get to touch the herbs, feel the softness or stiffness of the leaves and enjoy the buzz of the pollinators, who I do disturb with my cutting.  The heat in the drying shed is intense and I sweat a lot as I bundle and hang the herbs.  But the frequent and day-long sun means I can harvest even more in a couple days as the cut branches dry quickly.

The herbs wave in a natural and soothing way in the wind.  It looks like an undulating blanket when you gaze at the lemon balm clumps or the tall tarragon that flops over this time of year from its own weight.  The sage wiggles because the stiff woody stems don’t really bend much while the lavender waves back and forth allowing me to see the difference between lavender and rosemary because the rosemary tends to stand still in a breeze, while the softer stem of lavender moves like a dancer. From a distance, the long needle-shaped leaves look similar until there is a wind.

Lavender in flower


Summer savory close up

Summer Savory

I harvested the annuals today because their life is short now and they want to make seed, so I cut them strongly.  The basil was at its licorice best today and the purple basil was especially pungent.  I know vinegar making is in my future. The holy basil crop is a bit sparse this year.  The earwigs enjoyed it more than any other herb in the garden. Then the soap mixture I sprayed it with caused the sun to fry the leaves that were not eaten. However, my thyme plants are very happy and the scent is strong even in the heat of the day which makes my nose sing.  I also harvested the summer savory.  It gets spindly this time of year, but the leaves are plentiful and the flavor is finally reaching its apex.  I chew on a branch of it to keep me from being thirsty. 

Lemon verbena stems wrapped in paper towel
Lemon Verbena

I finished my day by harvesting lemon verbena.  I cannot bring into the house all the plants I grow so this tender perennial will die away in the cold Illinois winter, but for now it’s heady with the scent of lemon and the leaves are large and bright green and asking to be stroked to release the fragrance, which I oblige.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Wild Garden Shower Soap - Bath Blend of the Month

It is harvest time.  I spend hours out harvesting my herbs before the last of the season.  After a long evening in the chill of September, I want a long, hot shower.

Wild Garden Shower Soap

  • ½ cup distilled water
  • ½ cup orange flower water
  • 1 Tbls peppermint
  • 1 Tbls Chamomile
  • 1 Tbls rose petals
  • 1 Tbls orange blossoms
  • ½ Tbls unscented glycerin soap
  • 1 tsp castor oil

Combine the waters in a saucepan and bring to a boil.  Remove from heat and add herbs. Steep 1 hour. Strain. Reheat water gently.  Add soap and castor oil.  Let cool to room temperature.  Bottle it up and use every day.  This stuff is gentle enough for everyday use.


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Lemon Herbs my favorite Herbs of the Week with Info from Kathy Musser

 In a recent article in The Essential Herbal Magazine, Kathy Musser of Cloverleaf Herb Farm shared a thorough list of lemon, lime and orange flavored herbs.  It was a great article focusing on the many uses and the distinct flavors of each.

Lemon Verbena

I loved the fact that her first herb in the list was Lemon Verbena, as it is one of my favorite go-to lemon herbs. In her description, she suggested  “Try steeping lemon verbena leaves in warm milk, then cool and strain. Use the infused milk for muffins, quick breads, cakes, puddings, etc. for a wonderful lemon taste.”  I had never tried this before, so I decided an experiment was in order. I Infused Greek yogurt with fresh lemon verbena leaves overnight and then created this savory muffin to serve to the garden club board members.

Savory Lemon Herb Muffins

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/3 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano grated
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt infused with 6 to 12 fresh lemon verbena leaves overnight
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil minced
  • 1/4 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest grated\

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Grease a 6-cup muffin tin.

Measure the flour, baking powder, salt, and baking soda into a large bowl. Stir together with a fork until blended. Add the cheese and stir the blend.

In a second bowl, add the lemon juice, infused yogurt, olive oil, and egg. Blend together to combine.

Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and pour in the yogurt mixture. Stir by folding over only until just combined. Add the basil, chili powder, and lemon zest last, folding them in only once or twice to distribute evenly. Divide between the six muffin cups.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until a knife tip or toothpick emerges clean. Let the muffins cool for about 10 minutes before removing them from the tin and transferring to a wire rack.


Lemon Balm

Kathy’s article also focused a bit on Lemon Balm.  Knowing it is in the mint family she addressed the spreading issues that some people experience and gave a solution I have never tried before.

“It (lemon Balm) produces loads of small, white flowers which become masses of seeds, which go everywhere, giving lemon balm its bad reputation. As soon as I see flower stalks developing, I cut the plant back hard - nearly to the ground. It recovers quickly and this eliminates the uncontrolled reseeding.”

Lemon Balm Cut back hard

I’ve trimmed mine to eliminate flower stalks, but never cut it back hard, so I decided she might have something and decided to give it a try.  What I got when it came back, were great fresh bright green leaves that were large and very scented.  I will be doing this from now on.

Lemon Balm coming back


Another lemon herb Kathy mentioned was Sorrel  (Rumex acetosa).  I grow a version of this perennial that has distinctive red veins, rather than the plain green style.  I grow this strictly for personal use to put in salads.  Kathy pointed out it has a tart lemon flavor and when you cook it, it “will moderate the tartness. When cooked, it can be eaten like spinach or used in sauces and soup. Sorrel soup is very popular in Europe, eaten as an early harbinger of spring. It’s high in vitamins A and C and produces a clump which increases in size each year.”

Here is a great recipe for Sorrel soup that is a French version.  My husband is a French-style cook, so this is a favorite of his which allows him to use his emersion blender.

French Style Sorrel Soup

  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
  • 1/2 cup chopped green onions, ramps or other wild onion
  • 4-6 cups of chopped sorrel, packed
  • Salt
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 1 quart chicken stock or vegetable stock
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup cream


Melt 3 tablespoons butter in a soup pot over medium heat. Add the green onions or ramps and turn the heat to medium-low. Cover the pot and cook gently for 10 minutes. While the onions are cooking, pour the stock into another pot and bring to a simmer.

Turn the heat up, add the sorrel leaves and a healthy pinch of salt to the pot with the onions and stir well. When the sorrel is mostly wilted, turn the heat back to medium-low, cover and cook 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. Mix in the flour and cook over medium heat for 3 minutes.

Whisk in the hot stock, stirring constantly. Bring this to a simmer.

To finish the soup, whisk together the egg yolks and cream. Temper the mixture by ladling a little soup into it with one hand, while you whisk the egg-cream mix with the other. Repeat this three times. (You are doing this to prevent the eggs from scrambling) Now start whisking the soup. Pour the hot egg-cream-soup mixture into the pot with the soup, whisking all the way. Add the final tablespoon of butter. Let this cook -- below a simmer -- for 5 minutes. Do not let it boil or the soup will break. Serve at once.


I always suggest that if you love herbs and want to learn from people who are just like you, like Kathy Musser, try subscribing TheEssential Herbal Magazine.  It comes to your email box every two months and is filled with a variety of articles and great photos for beginners and seasoned growers of herbs.  I have been writing for the magazine for years and every issue always gives me new nuggets of herb info.  I am sure it will do the same for you.


Saturday, August 27, 2022

Great Grilling Butter -- Weekend Recipe

 Using herbs that are left over from the garden or the grocery to make an herb butter is a great way to make something you can use with the grill.  This recipe uses parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme because I have them growing in my garden. If your family prefers a different combination, go ahead and substitute what they like. The ratio is 1/2 cup of butter to 1/4 cup minced herbs, so use any herbs you like. Simply place a portion on top of a cooked steak, just like a fancy steakhouse would do.

Herb Butter for a Grilled Steak

1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened, divided
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
1 tablespoon minced fresh sage
2 teaspoons minced fresh rosemary
1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
1/4 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste

Place 7 tablespoons softened, unsalted butter in a small mixing bowl. Melt the remaining 1 tablespoon unsalted butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add minced garlic and cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant, 1 to 2 minutes. Stir cooked garlic into reserved softened butter. Mix the minced fresh herbs into the garlic-butter mixture using a fork, stirring and pressing until evenly distributed. Season with sea salt to taste. Cover and refrigerate until slightly firmed up, about 20 minutes.

Turn mixture out onto a 9x12-inch strip of aluminum foil or parchment paper. Form mixture into a log, about 6 inches long and 1 inch thick. Roll herb butter up in the foil or parchment, twisting the ends and closing with a twist tie or rubber band. Return to the refrigerator until firmed up, about 40 minutes. Slice into 8 equal portions and serve on top of steak or other dishes. Wrap and refrigerate any leftovers up to 4 days. Logs can be frozen up to 3 months.

Herb butter is great not only on steak, but works with any grilled or roasted protein, steamed vegetables, or on baked potatoes.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Health Benefits -- Tea Ideas for the Month of August

Health Benefits of Herbal Tea

With a handful of herbs, many of which can be found in your kitchen cabinets or garden,  and a few basic techniques, you can brew up healing teas for everyday ailments.

There are lots of ways to enjoy the goodness of plants, but for accessibility and simplicity, it’s hard to beat a good cup of tea. I especially enjoy it when it the tea contains herbs I grew, foraged, or blended myself. 

There are also so many health benefits to drinking tea that can’t be denied. Here are a few of the known benefits.

ginger, cut, chopped and whole root on a board and in a bowl

Improves Digestion 

Several herbal teas have been shown to help with nausea, constipation, indigestion, and more. Fortunately, most of them are widely available and easy to make. Some herbs that are known to help include: ginger, peppermint, gentian root, fennel, angelica root, dandelion, senna, and marshmallow root

Mint teas are great for the stomach so tea with strong mint favors will help with digestion.  At Backyard Patch Herbs we have Shakespeare and Rest Easy Teas which will give you the mint flavor in an amount to help with stomach issues.

Peppermint and Green Tea

  • 2 parts peppermint
  • 1 part green tea

Combine together and store in a jar with a tight-fitting lid, use 1 to 2 tsp per cup of hot water. Can be served hot or iced.

chamomile daisy-like flowers in a terra cotta pot


Reduces Inflammation 

There are a variety of beneficial compounds present in different kinds of tea that can help to soothe inflammation, including tea itself as well as rose petals and rose hips, ginger, turmeric, chamomile, and more.

Backyard Patch Herbs has several types of tea that will help with inflammation - like Hibiscus Rose Blush, Turmeric Chai and Therapeutic.

Ginger and Hibiscus Tea

  • 2 parts ginger
  • 1 part hibiscus
  • 1/2 part cranberries (if you want some extra tart)
  • honey to taste (for some sweet)

If you use dried cranberries check to see if they added sugar before you add honey.  Combine all the items in a jar and use 1 to 2 teaspoons for 1 cup of hot water.  Great served hot or iced.

lavender spikes of flowers growing in the ground

Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Herbal teas calm and relax the mind, relieving stress and anxiety. Since it calms the mind, drinking herbal tea before going to sleep also helps people who suffer from insomnia.

Chamomile is one of the best herbs for sleep and the reduction of stress.  Along with lavender, these two herbs can help with difficulties sleeping and the comforting effect may also act as a mild anti-depressant for some as it stimulates the brain to reduce feelings of depression and stress.

We have several teas to assist in this way.  Nerve Soothing is high in Chamomile, Dreamtime has both chamomile and lavender, and Calming Spirit gives the relaxation of lavender, mint and chamomile.

Anti-anxiety Herbal Tea Blend

  • 2 tablespoons dried lemon balm
  • 2 tablespoons dried rose hips, cut & sifted
  • 1 tablespoon dried chamomile
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried lavender

Combine materials and store in a lidded jar or tin. For a single serving hot cup of tea, place 1 tablespoon of the tea blend into a tea ball or bag. Add the filled tea ball or bag and fill with 1 cup (8 fl oz) hot water. Cover & let steep for 8-10 minutes, then enjoy! (Sweeten if desired!)


Monday, August 8, 2022

Come see us at the Farmer's Market - Lombard, Illinois

We are going to be at the local farmer’s market this summer.  I have not done Farmer’s Markets since about the year 2000, so I decided to start slow and easy.  This is just down the street from our new place in Lombard, Illinois on Tuesday 2 pm to 7 PM (St Charles Road east of Main Street in the village lot.)  There is a great sourdough bread vendor Papa Bears Bread Co and we picked up a loaf.  Then there is an awesome organic garlic farm called Garlic Breath Farm, so I decided to create a bread spread with one of my blends.  I went with something very robust, my Bean Soup Seasoning.

Bean Soup Seasoning Flavored Sour Dough

1 10-inch round loaf sourdough bread
1 cup Parmesan cheese
1 cup mayonnaise
1 clove of garlic, peeled and chopped
3 Tablespoons. Backyard Patch Bean Soup Seasoning Mix

Heat oven to 400 degrees. Slice loaf in half giving you 2 rounds. Butter cut center. Place under broiler until lightly browned. Mix remaining ingredients and spread over toasted bread. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until top is puffed up and light brown. Cut into wedges and serve.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Dream Pillow - Bath Blend of the Month

I have posted other recipes for Sleep or Dream pillows in the past.  A sleep pillow is actually a sachet.  Gather the herbs and place inside a small muslin bag and secure firmly. Place this sleep bag either on or under the pillow to aid sleep. It can also be used when travelling to aid sleep in a strange bed too.

Dream Pillow

Classic sleep-inducing herbs with a pleasant scent, all of which are said to bring pleasant dreams.

  • 1 ounce mugwort
  • 1 ounce lemon verbena
  • 1 ounce chamomile

  • 1 ounce pink rose buds
  • 1 ounce peppermint
  • ¼ ounce hops

Combine the herbs together and place ½ cup into a sachet.  Place the sachet inside your pillow case so the scent will help you to sleep.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Tea Ideas for the Month of July

July is the height of the gardening season.  The herbs are growing, the flowers are blooming, and the vegetables are ready for harvest.  Everything is in its prime. The perfect time to make a tea that is filled with flowers and aromatics.  So this month I have two tea recipes and a scone mix that will let you take advantage of nature's bounty.

Aromatic Tea

Chamomile provides calming effects, catnip for relaxation and marjoram for its sweet mellow taste. And if you use mint it will be both cooling and relaxing.

    bunches of herbs on a slate
  • 5 parts chamomile
  • 4 parts marjoram
  • 3 parts catnip
  • 2 parts mint (optional)

Combine herbs if dried in glass jar for storage to use later.  If using fresh, tear the leaves from stems before measuring and use a small enough amount that you can make and use on the same day to get the best flavor from your fresh herbs.

For dry: Use 2 tsp per cup of hot water and allow to steep for 5 to 7 minutes.

For Fresh: Use 2 Tablespoons per cup of hot water and allow to steep 10 minutes.

Bright Mint Tea

This is a different way to make a mint tea.  You are in essence making a concentrate, then straining out the herbs and crafting an iced tea with the intense remaining liquid.

Wash 8 sprigs of mint, twelve inches long (any mint, spearmint, peppermint, applemint, orange mint, chocolate mint.  This one is perfect for the exotic varieties of mint.)

 Remove the leaves from the branches and place in a blender with four cups of water and liquefy. Allow it steep for at least 1 hour up to 2 hours and then strain out the solids.  The resulting green liquid can then be served with ice and diluted as needed to taste.

Here is a perfect recipe for making scones from fresh herbs,  you can use any combination you want. Chives are always good in a savory scone as is marjoram, savory, rosemary and dill.

Fresh Herb Scones

  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 6 tablespoons very cold unsalted butter cubed
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup assorted fresh herbs, finely diced 
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup whole milk or heavy cream
  • 1 egg beaten for egg wash or substitute heavy cream

herb scones sporting butter on a white plate

Preheat your oven to 425 F degrees. Using a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, and baking powder. Toss the cold butter cubes into the flour mixture and rub in the butter throughout the flour using your fingers. Continue until you have tiny pieces of butter throughout. And the dough looks like a coarse meal. Make a well in the center of your bowl, whisk the eggs together and add them directly into the center of the bowl, into the well, and pour in the milk (starting with a ¼ cup and use more milk as you need it. Add more milk if the dough isn’t wet enough or if needed.) and the fresh herbs. Using your hands like a claw, mix together all of the ingredients until just combined.

Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface. Sprinkle a little bit of flour on top of the dough as well so it’s easier to work with. Do not knead the dough but shape just enough to make round and flatten.

To make scone wedges: Once you have your dough in a round shape, use a bench scraper or knife to cut your dough into 8 wedges or triangles.

To make round scones: Flatten your dough by hand and use a round biscuit cutter to make round scone shapes. Continue until all of the dough has been used.

Transfer to a lined baking sheet and brush the tops of the scones with your egg wash. Bake for about 14 to 15 minutes until golden brown. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Bath Vinegars - Bath Blend of the Month

In July the herbs are in their prime and it is the perfect time of the year to make vinegar.

The technique for making herb vinegar is simple.  Place fresh herbs in a sterilized jar, cover them with distilled white vinegar and allow them to steep for at least 2 weeks.

Once you make an herbal vinegar you can create great items for the bath.  This month I have two recipes for you, a Vinegar Bath and a Vinegar Hair Rinse.

To start these recipes you need an herbal vinegar.  The link above will give you more detailed instructions for making an herb vinegar.  For the bath, I suggest herbs with germ-fighting characteristics like thyme, lemon thyme, marjoram, basil, oregano, and sage.

Vinegar Bath

  • 1 cup Epsom salts
  • 2 Tbls ground ginger
  • 1 cup herb vinegar

Combine these items together and pour immediately into warm bath water.  Soak as normal.

Vinegar Hair Rinse for Dry hair

Make a vinegar with 1 to 2 ounces of herbs, calendula, nettle, and marshmallow and red wine vinegar

allow to steep for 2 weeks then dilute 50/50 with distilled water.  

To use: Wash hair as usual, then apply after washing and smooth through hair to help remove soap residue.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Monthly Tea Ideas for June - sleep and digestion

If there’s one good thing you can do for yourself in a day, it’s taking five minutes out to make a cup tea and have a moment of calm. Herbal tea remedies can provide amazing healing properties when the right herbs are combined together. Even the act of making a cup of tea is a mindful process in itself!

The purest way to reap these benefits is to make your own herbal teas at home - which is way easier than it sounds. If you do not have these herbs, then try some of our Backyard Patch tea blends.

brown tea pot on wood trivet surrounded by loose tea, tea bags, a tea cup and spoons

What you need:

  • A tea pot
  • A glass jar to keep your mixture in
  • Tea strainer or unbleached empty tea bags
  • dried herbs, preferably organic

Tea to aid sleep

  • 3 parts dried chamomile flowers - these have a calming element and natural sedative properties.
  • 3 parts dried lavender flowers - these have a calming scent that is soothing and promotes relaxation.
  • 1 part dried passionflower - soothes the mind, calming brain activity, also a natural sedative
  • 1/2 part dried valerian root - this helps calm the nerves and promote a peaceful sleep, it also has natural sedative properties.

Measure out your herbs in a bowl. Mix herbs together, then transfer to jar. 3. If making in a pot scoop 2 tablespoons of mix into teapot and pour over boiled water, set aside and let steep for 5-10mins, then strain through into cup, sit back and enjoy.

For a tea bag cut your ingredients down to 1 Tbls and add the measured ingredients to a tea bag, place in cup and pour over boiled water, allowing to steep for 5 minutes before drinking.

Tea to aid digestion

This tea has a serious licorice flavor, but with the addition of ginger, you cut the sweetness and up the healthy benefits for an upset stomach.

  • 3 parts dried fennel seed - aids digestion by helping to increase the production of gastric juices to get digestion started properly.
  • 2 parts licorice root - helps the liver neutralize toxins and is anti-inflammatory
  • fresh ginger root, sliced - this is highly anti-inflammatory, helps in digestion and reduces gas; easing bloating and burping. Keep ginger separate and add in fresh slice ginger when making tea pot

Measure out your dry herbs into a bowl. Mix together, then transfer to jar (except fresh ginger, slice this fresh as it provides more flavor.) 

If making in a pot scoop two tablespoons of mix into teapot, add two coins of ginger root to the pot and pour over boiled water, set aside and let steep for 5-10mins, then strain through into cup, sit back and enjoy.

For a tea bag use a single coin of ginger root with 1 teaspoon of herbs in a tea bag. Place in cup and pour over boiled water, allowing to steep for 5 minutes before drinking. 

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