We crafted the raised beds back in late May and planted them over a couple of weeks.
We started with the two front (closest to camera beds) then added three more behind them. The former sandbox in the far right was converted to an herb garden last year and added to this year.
Three of the raised beds were given to me by a friend in the garden club. The two not so weathered are new. Was going to make them from scratch, but found these at ACE hardware and they matched the others so we were thrilled. We still did not have enough room, so ended up planting extra plants in the "corners" between two raised beds, or at the ends. May regret this when things start to spread.
Here is the Herb garden. The larger plants are the ones planted last fall. The L-shape area was prepared with compost and additional soil to be able to take new plants. The older area I prepped in a hurry last fall and only had enough soil for that small space. We composted fall leaves and sticks and had more soil by springtime.
I put in a rosemary and a lemon verbena in the ground. I have not done that in years. They grow so much better in the ground, but then you have to dig them up in the fall.
This year someone in the garden club had strawberry plants so I used my strawberry pot!
We started with the two front (closest to camera beds) then added three more behind them. The former sandbox in the far right was converted to an herb garden last year and added to this year.
The hubby made me two trellises. One for cucumber (foreground) and one for coreopsis in the background.

Strung string between to posts for the snap peas to grow on. These are for Chas.... I hate peas!
This year someone in the garden club had strawberry plants so I used my strawberry pot!