Decided to go with an herb of the week I love to look at. It is also an early herb in the garden and its was out in full force this Spring when many plants were not..
Lady’s Mantle Alchemilla xantbochlora
According to tradition, this was
a popular "magic" plant in northern Europe from earliest times, rising to prominence during the Middle Ages for
its connections with alchemy. It was also sometimes associated with the Virgin
Mary and dubbed Our Lady's mantle. Subsequently shortened to Lady's Mantle, the
scalloped leaves supposedly resembling a sculptured cloak. It was traditionally
prescribed for infertility and "women's troubles" and was said to
regulate the menstrual cycle and ease menopausal symptoms - as it still is prescribed
by herbalists today.
The most striking thing about
Lady’s Mantle is the way the dew collects on the leaves in the morning and
after a rain. I heard one story where
these sparkly droplets are the reason it is considered a Lady’s Mantle –
covered in diamonds. I recently learned
that these are not dew drops at all. According
to American botanist, Ryan Drum, the 'dew' that collects on the tips of the
leaves and in the well of the open leaves is actually a vascular secretion that
rises up to the tips of the leave's margins at night, then rolls down into the
cup to be reabsorbed in the late morning.
Its connection to alchemy is how
the scientific name was assigned. The ability of the leaves to hold moisture drops, often dew, trapped in the central dips
of the leaves and by their waxy surface. Dew was a much-prized ingredient in the
recipes of the alchemists of old and this plant could provide an accessible source. So the herb was named 'Achemilla"-
the little alchemist.
genus Alchemilla contains some 200 species native to the north-temperate zone.
The nomenclature is very confused, in part because these plants can produce
fertile seeds without pollination. Thus, all the offspring of a given plant are
identical to the parent, and every minor difference between populations is
perpetuated. Some taxonomists have considered these slight variations to be
species while others have not.
Related species A. alpina, another
medicinal species, is lower-growing, 4-8 in with Star-shaped leaves. A. molis,
from the carpathian mountains and known as "the garden variety",
is the most attractive of the three with paler green, scalloped leaves and a more
luxurious show of greeny-yellow flowers. It is widely grown in herb gardens. but
has less medicinal value.
To Grow
A perennial member of the Rose family, Lady’s Mantle it will grow to 16-20
inches in height, with harry, branched stems and deeply lobed leaves (seven or
nine lobes) with serrated edges and a froth of yellowish-green flowers in late spring
and throughout summer. Found in mountainous
areas, meadows, pasture lands and on rock ledges in Europe and
throughout northern temperate regions. Grows in any soil in sun or partial
shade. Self-seeds prolifically and seedlings come
true. Fresh seed germinates readily. Sow seeds in well-drained potting medium,
1/8 inch deep. They may take three to four weeks to germinate at 60 to 70
degrees. If you have room for only one plant, you may prefer to buy one or get
a division from a friend.
To increase your stock
of lady’s-mantle plants, separate pieces of the crown with their attached roots
in spring or fall and plant them in moist, fertile soil. If plants seem to be
spreading too rapidly, hold off on the fertilizer. Lady’s-mantle will tolerate
a fairly dry soil, though it grows best with ample moisture.
Lady’s Mantle also may
be grown in a container, outdoors or in. Place it in a cool, deep pot and
fertilize it occasionally with a high-nitrogen fertilizer. Keep the soil damp
in spring and summer, drier in winter.
In cooler climates, Lady’s Mantle is quite trouble-free. In humid areas, however, water remaining
on the leaves and crown in summer promotes fungal diseases. Good air
circulation, thorough garden sanitation and a sand mulch are preventive
measures worth trying. Applications of a fungicide may be necessary in
difficult cases.
of 1/8-inch greenish-yellow flowers held above the leaves appear in June and
July. The individual flowers are insignificant and, because they have no
petals, don’t even hint at their family relationship to garden roses.
As an ornamental, Lady’s Mantle is superb in the front of the perennial
border or as a ground cover in front of old roses, rhododendrons, azaleas,
ferns or pines. For a ground cover, set divisions 8 to 10 inches apart.
Lady’s-mantle’s large, more or less smooth leaves contrast nicely with the
fuzzy foliage of lamb’s-ears or horehound, the vivid green leaves of fern-leaf
tansy or the small, neat foliage of hyssop. The flowers harmonize well with
those of lavender, garden sage, hyssop, anise hyssop or nasturtiums.
To Use
Lady’s Mantle has numerous
traditional medicinal uses. The plant
leaves have astringent and anti inflammatory properties. It has been used to controls bleeding and is taken as an infusion for menstrual and menopausal
problems. Applied externally for vaginal itching, as a mouthwash or lotion for sores and skin irritation.
reputation of Lady’s Mantle as a medicinal herb has some scientific basis:
Tannins give the root and dried leaves an astringent property. Nevertheless,
claims for its efficacy were extreme. Herbalist Gerard noted, “It stoppeth
bleeding, and also the overmuch flowing of the natural sickness.” Lady’s Mantle
also was prescribed to calm hysterics, relieve vomiting, lighten freckles and
even restore lost virginity. The herb, though not fragrant, was sometimes
placed under the pillow to promote sleep. Most of these later suggestions are more
folklore than truth.
Brew an infusion of the leaves and flowers to treat menstrual irregularities and
difficulties. Rich concentrations of tannin make it especially valuable in
curbing heavy or excessive menstrual flow, and staunching bleeding from cuts
and wounds. Make a standard brew
of 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb to each cup of water. Drink warm to relieve
Growing Lady’s Mantle as an ornament can encourage you to use it in ornamental ways as well. The blossoms are excellent in both fresh and dried arrangements. Because they have no petals, they dry well and add great texture. You can also press the leaves and use them to decorate notepaper or bookmarks. Because the distinctive edge and deep ribbing you can press them into ink and use them as a stamp or to ornament tuffa or concrete.
The leaves are edible and sometimes shredded and added to salads. Lady’s-mantle has been used very little in the kitchen. The young leaves can be added to tossed salads as a bitter accent. In northern England at Easter time, leaves of Lady’s Mantle, bistort (Polygonum bistorat) and lady’s-thumb (Persicaria vulgaris) were mixed with oatmeal and barley and boiled in a bag to make an herb pudding known as Easter mangiant.
Happy Uterus Tea
I created this simple tea to alleviate menstrual cramps. You
can also use this tea at the very end of pregnancy to prepare your uterus for
labor and prevent hemorrhage. Here’s what you’ll need:
1/2 c Lady’s Mantle
1/2 c Red Raspberry Leaf
1/4 c Lemon Balm (you can add more to taste)
Put these in a pint-size Mason jar with a lid and shake
until they’re mixed up well. To make this tea, steep a tablespoon of herbs
in a cup of hot water for about 5 minutes. Begin drinking the tea about a week
before I’m expecting my period. If you have problems with heavy cramping, try
drinking a cup (warm or iced) every day of the month.
This lotion recipe was
shared by author Leslie Bremnes on The Herb Society Forum
Mantle Lotion
30 ml.glycerin
10 drops of essential oil of lemon, rose, geranium or
10 g
carragheen moss dissolved in a little hot water
30 ml
strong infusion of lady’s mantle
60 ml
alcohol (Vodka)
Stir the glycerin into the dissolved moss. Add
the essential oil to the vodka mixing well, and then blend the two mixtures.
Stir in the herbal infusion, blending well. Pour
in a screw-top jar and label. Shake before use if necessary.
A Small history of Alchemy
In its
narrowest and best-known sense, the primary concern of alchemy was the transformation
of base metal into gold, but its wider significance is that it marked the beginnings
of systematic chemistry. With origins in
ancient Egypt, the science of alchemy passed to the Greeks of Alexandria,
to the Arabs and then to the West. Leading alchemists of the 13th century were Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon and
Arnold de Villeneuve, who wrote widely on the subject. Although they believed
in the "philosopher's stone" (the instrument capable of transmuting metals into gold), they were also
pre-occupied with the discovery of a divine water, or elixir of life, capable of
healing all maladies- with the purest dew as a necessary component.
In the 16th
century, the Swiss physician, Paracelsus, took up some of the tenets of alchemy,
including the concept of the "prima materia" and the "quinta essentia",
the primary essence of a substance, but gave it a new direction - The chief objective
was the making
of medicines, not gold, dependent on a study of the properties of plants and their
effects on the body.
Photo one photo credit: <a
Gardener</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
Photo three photo credit: <a
Coomber</a> via <a href="">photopin</a>
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