
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Monthly Tea Ideas for June - sleep and digestion

If there’s one good thing you can do for yourself in a day, it’s taking five minutes out to make a cup tea and have a moment of calm. Herbal tea remedies can provide amazing healing properties when the right herbs are combined together. Even the act of making a cup of tea is a mindful process in itself!

The purest way to reap these benefits is to make your own herbal teas at home - which is way easier than it sounds. If you do not have these herbs, then try some of our Backyard Patch tea blends.

brown tea pot on wood trivet surrounded by loose tea, tea bags, a tea cup and spoons

What you need:

  • A tea pot
  • A glass jar to keep your mixture in
  • Tea strainer or unbleached empty tea bags
  • dried herbs, preferably organic

Tea to aid sleep

  • 3 parts dried chamomile flowers - these have a calming element and natural sedative properties.
  • 3 parts dried lavender flowers - these have a calming scent that is soothing and promotes relaxation.
  • 1 part dried passionflower - soothes the mind, calming brain activity, also a natural sedative
  • 1/2 part dried valerian root - this helps calm the nerves and promote a peaceful sleep, it also has natural sedative properties.

Measure out your herbs in a bowl. Mix herbs together, then transfer to jar. 3. If making in a pot scoop 2 tablespoons of mix into teapot and pour over boiled water, set aside and let steep for 5-10mins, then strain through into cup, sit back and enjoy.

For a tea bag cut your ingredients down to 1 Tbls and add the measured ingredients to a tea bag, place in cup and pour over boiled water, allowing to steep for 5 minutes before drinking.

Tea to aid digestion

This tea has a serious licorice flavor, but with the addition of ginger, you cut the sweetness and up the healthy benefits for an upset stomach.

  • 3 parts dried fennel seed - aids digestion by helping to increase the production of gastric juices to get digestion started properly.
  • 2 parts licorice root - helps the liver neutralize toxins and is anti-inflammatory
  • fresh ginger root, sliced - this is highly anti-inflammatory, helps in digestion and reduces gas; easing bloating and burping. Keep ginger separate and add in fresh slice ginger when making tea pot

Measure out your dry herbs into a bowl. Mix together, then transfer to jar (except fresh ginger, slice this fresh as it provides more flavor.) 

If making in a pot scoop two tablespoons of mix into teapot, add two coins of ginger root to the pot and pour over boiled water, set aside and let steep for 5-10mins, then strain through into cup, sit back and enjoy.

For a tea bag use a single coin of ginger root with 1 teaspoon of herbs in a tea bag. Place in cup and pour over boiled water, allowing to steep for 5 minutes before drinking. 

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