
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Bucket List for a Quarantine Winter 2021

Since most of my life got put on hold to complete orders starting in November, many of my grandiose plans for the holiday and crafts I wanted to try got shelved.  The other day I realized that Covid is still raging and I am not going back to the office while it is, I cannot teach in person until late January at the soonest, and it will be cold (it is Illinois afterall!) So why don't I just get cracking on a list of activities.

One of our few activities this fall was winter lights at the Chicago Botanic Garden, so we will be visiting the garden in winter also.

There is no excuse not to work on that set of ideas I made a concerted effort to save to Pinterest - see my herb themed Pinterest boards here - so here is my quarantine winter bucket list 2021. I chose only 4 items per topic so that I can keep this manageable and therefore attainable!  Think of these as new year resolutions.


Work up some new packaging for gift items

Finish the upgrade to Herb Mix packaging

Find some herb bloggers to do some group projects with

Create / find and adapt the recipes for the Recipe Theme for 2021

Recipes from my collection
Just a few of the hundreds of recipes in my collection


Get out and walk everyday, regardless of the weather!

Organize the craft spaces and supplies so I can figure out if I have what I need to make these:

    Fun snow globes / kits

    Spring decorations / wreaths

    Make dried flower arrangements with garden materials I dried and saved last year

    Create some of the organizing ideas I have saved

Practice and get better at playing my bowed Psaltry

I can't find the photo of the Psaltry my hubby got me last Christmas, but these are just as lovely from 


    Order Seeds for exotic herbs

    Create Winter Sowing area and materials and begin winter sowing for 2021 garden

    Make self watering seedling starters

    Take scented geranium cuttings and learn to grow them hydroponically


  1. Hello!! Thank you for linking up your thoughtful winter bucket list with mine. I am interested in starting an herb garden and a raised garden bed this spring but live in the desert of El Paso, Texas so need help!! Not sure what to plant and when. Saved my pumpkins from fall to plant and that is as far as I have gotten.

    The photo of your recipes is lovely. Are they family recipes? Have you determined your theme for the year? I just hope to try a few new recipes and to get back to eating more thoughtfully.

    Yay for crafting. I am a big crafter but start a project and struggle to finish before starting something else. This year is going to see me finish some of the things I have started in the last decade!!

    Hope you will rejoin me with an update on your progress on 01.21.

  2. It's a great idea to make a list of things that can be done, especially when we are in some type of holding pattern. How's it going with getting the list checked off?

  3. I am still working on my winter list but I will repost
    when I have made more progress.

  4. The recipe theme for 2021 includes 12 different themes for each month and I use recipes I created, clipped and saved or inherited from my family, or in some cases found at a flea market. Here is one of the recipes from January and at the end is all the themes I have chosen for 2021 -
