
Friday, July 21, 2017

Mint Julep Dip - Weekend Recipe

We have a shady area next to the house which is becoming a struggle.  It is hard to get anything to want to grow there.  I have lost more perennials in that garden in just two seasons, than I lost in the flood catastrophe a few years ago.

So one of my solutions was to plant mint there.  Mint will grow anywhere, dry, wet, shade, sun.  But it will not grow as quickly or as well in conditions that are not ideal.  That has always been my way to control mint - put it in a place where it competes with a tree for water, grow it in the shade, etc. That is working in the side yard, but even stunted I am getting a large harvest of mint.  So I decided to create dip with the many surplus mint sprigs I have collected.

Mint Julep Dip

This will remind you of a summer cocktail and go well with warm sweet pastry or plain donuts or muffins.

6 Tbls. sugar
1 Tbls. packed fresh mint leaves (I used Kentucky Colonel and chocolate mint)
6 ounces of cream cheese, softened (1/4 cup)
1/4 cup milk
2 Tbls. bourbon

In a small bowl, combine sugar and mint leaves.  Using a wooden spoon mash the mint and sugar until fragrant.  Should take about 30 to 60 seconds.  In a blender combine sugar mixture, cream cheese, milk and bourbon.  Cover and process until smooth.  Serve immediately.  Make 1 1/4 cups.

NOTE in photo  I was unable to label the mint plants but peppermint is in the lower right corner, pineapple mint is in the center bottom next to the violet with the heart-shaped leaves.  The Kentucky Colonel is along the fence above the chair and the chocolate mint is against the house.

1 comment:

  1. 'Sounds delicious! Thank you for the recipe! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
