
Friday, November 9, 2012

Weekend recipe - Herb Flavored Pita Chips

I am getting into the holiday entertaining mode.  My best freind came for a visit at the end of October and I had a small Herb and Wine get together with a few freinds.  I served these seasoned pita chips at the party.  They are quick and easy and so much better than potato chips.  I don't want to sound cruel to potato chips, becasue I will eat those in a second if given the opportunity (I am no snob!)

Herb Flavored Pita Chips

There are many different ways to make seasoned pita chips.  If you like a robust flavor use something with rosemary or thyme; sweeter use dill; savory try oregano or basil.   Each seasoning recipe below is formulated to season up to 4 pitas cut into wedges.

Pita preparation instructions:

4 pitas, each cut into 8 wedges  (if you want smaller portions for ladies try cutting them into 12 wedges)
3 Tbls. virgin olive oil
Seasoning blend

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Combine seasonings in an old spice jar with a shaker lid; set aside.  Arrange pita wedges on a rimmed baking sheet.  Brush top of each wedge with olive oil.  Sprinkle spice mixture evenly over wedges. Bake 8 to 10 minutes, or until nicely toasted but not hard.

Herb seasonings:

Dill Salt
1 Tbls. sea salt
1 tsp. dried dill
ground black pepper to taste

Parmesan Seasoning
2 Tbls. grated Parmesan Cheese
2 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. basil

Place seasonings in a shaker jar and use with above pita prepartion instructions.

Backyard Patch Pizza Seasoning would also works as a flavored seasoning for hand-made pita chips too.  In a hurry I used Backyard Patch Butter N Cheese Blend once.  And I think Backyard Patch Herbal Spread would work well also.

Products we recommend if you do not have time to make your own for entertaining:

1 comment:

  1. See you are my brain, Marcy! I just need to visit more often because potato chips are my downfall. These just sound much better! That's my excuse for now.:)Thanks for sharing as always. xxoo Nancy
