
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Cleaning using essential oils

I have done many posts on spring cleaning, so please use the search tool to find them.  I have a number of recipes and tips I have shared before.  However, this Spring I am doing a program at the Wauconda Area Public Library on Green Cleaning, entitled "Spring Cleaning with Herbs" and I thought I would share a couple of the recipes I am experimenting with for the program. 

If you are interested in the program being held April 4 at 7 PM, here is a link to the library: Wauconda Area Library Events Calendar

Herbal Antibacterial Disinfectant
Ideal in kitchens and bathrooms and can be stored indefinitely.

2 Tbls. borax
¼ cup lemon juice
2 cups hot water
20 drops tea tree oil

Combine the borax and lemon juice with water in a spray bottle.  Cap and shake well to dissolve the minerals.  Add the tea tree oil and shake again to disperse the oil.  Use as you would any commercial all-purpose cleaner.

Creamy Non-abrasive Cleaner
Perfect for acrylic and fiberglass surfaces, this smooth cleanser won’t scratch tubs, stovetops or laminate counter tops.

¼ cup borax
Liquid vegetable oil based liquid soap (castile soap)
½ tsp lemon essential oil

Combine borax with just enough liquid soap to create a thick paste.  Add essential oil and blend well.  To use, scoop a small amount of cleanser onto a damp sponge.  Scrub surface and rinse well.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks for this information about essential oils.

    Facial Care
