
Friday, November 12, 2021

Holiday Gift Items and a Craft show announcement.

 My first Craft Show in over a year is this weekend.  Close to home, so if I forget anything I can at least send hubby home for it.

For those local to me (Chicagoland) - Willowbrook High School WPO 5th Annual Craft show 9 AM to 3 PM Saturday 11/13/21

As a result I am making gifty items and getting a few things made up in advance for online sales.  There are more that 15 soups in our list of items now and we added two this year that will be available only around the holiday, then be retired.  These two new soup mixes are:

Hearty Italian Soup

This is a bouillon included (vegetable) add water only soup that has several kinds of beans.

Five-bean Soup

This interestingly flavored soup is rich in herbs.

And we have made these great gift items.

A Charcuterie Starter Kit that has herb cheese spreads and dips included as well as a recipe for serving 6 to 12 people with a Charcuterie tray.

DIY Grilling Kit with materials and instructions for making your own marinades, meat rubs and other grilling spices.

Popcorn Lovers gift with corn you can pop on the cob and two of our salt-free popcorn seasonings to use with it.

Olive Oil Dipping Sauce with a bottle of virgin olive oil.

We have a fun new item, Cinnamon-scented Fire Starters.  These special scented pine cones can be used as kindling in your fire place or just tossed onto a fire to give off the wonderful seasonal scent. Or you can hang them with the band included in your car, faux tree or on a wreath.

We also have our Wine Dips and Spreads which will be packaged with wine glasses and holiday plates and spreaders.

And something brand new (like this week) -- By client request we modified our spiced wine blend to create something you can use in cider or apple juice, so we now have a new product called Wassail Drink Mix and have changed the packaging on our spiced wine to match calling it Wine Wassail.  Both allow you to create flavored cider or wine with holiday spices and smells.

Holiday gift making posts are in the works, so stop by in the next couple weeks and I will share herby ideas for gift giving.  Also this year we are doing the advent calendar as a daily email.  Sign up now to receive these, as we will not just blast the entire mailing list with daily emails, only those who sign up.

You can do so here ===== Advent Calendar Daily Idea sign-up